Lasted ballerinas: A symphony of style and comfort

I would like to invite you to the first English edition of the online course on making ballerinas sewn on the lasts. With the course, you will make beautiful leather ballerinas at home, using your home sewing machine (or hand stitching).

You can benefit from 2 years of access to the videos in the member section and my 5-week support in a special Facebook group.

We are starting on the 5th of May, 2025. 

          Do you wait every day for the moment you can take your shoes off?

Maybe you know:

  • daily blisters, sore feet after a long day,
  • uncomfortable ballerinas that don´t fit you well,
  • inappropriate shoe colour or design of ballerinas in the shops,
  • difficulties with choosing shoes to wear with a skirt,
  • everyday compomises between style and comfort.

I have a good news for you: there is a solution...  

Would you like:

  • to walk every day in shoes that are so comfortable you don't even know you are wearing them?
  • to support the health of your feet by every step you make?
  • to choose a shoe colour or design that suits your style?
  • to learn a new useful craft?
  • learn real shomaking techniques?

Imagine wearing soft and comfortable ballerinas every day.

Your new ballerinas will fit you well. You can follow trends, choose colours and the best patterns.

Your new shoes will be:

  • Soft and comfortable. The leather adapts to your feet with every step. Forget blisters and little toe room.
  • Good for your health. It is scientifically proven that wearing barefoot shoes has a beneficial effect on the health of your feet and your whole body.
  • Original with a unique design. You can use coloured printed leather or you can colour and decorate it.

Indulge your feet in the luxury of tailored barefoot ballerinas.

You can make your ballerinas on the

Lasted ballerina sewing course

I present you a proven online course with the possibility of my support, thanks to which you can make your comfortable barefoot ballerinas on lasts with rubber welt.

You will find everything in the clear, professionally filmed videos in the members section. The videos will guide you step by step to your goal - your hadmade shoes. You can sew leather on the machine, you just need a regular hobby sewing machine, I will recommend what threads or needles you need.

You will use shoemaking techniques, but you don't need professional equipment.

You can also take advantage of a consultation with me so you don't get stuck in the process.

Handmade lasted ballerinas with rubber welt, using a homemade sewing machine.

In this online course, you will learn to:

  • Make the pattern 


  • make a model with paper tape,
  • draw a proper lines on the last,
  • transfer the template onto the paper and then reuse the pattern.
  • Work with leather


  • to cut the leather,
  • work with lining,
  • use shoemaking tools and simple shoemaking techniques,
  • sewing leather on the sewing machine.
  • Last your shoes


  • to last the upper 
  • using nails or a stapler,
  • to put reinforcement in the shoe,
  • to glue welt and sole properly.
  • different types of edges ending.

      You can tailor the course to your time.

How does the course work?

  • The course is in the form of video lectures arranged in the members' section - In the videos, I show you the step-by-step process from cutting to sewing. The videos are professionally recorded and focus to detailes.The videos are short and factual. You will get access to the course from 5.5.2025.
  • With my support in the Facebook group - you're not alone in this. I'm available in the Facebook or WhatsApp group throughout your 5 week shoemaking process to give you feedback on your steps and answer your questions. This is how you won't get stuck anywhere while sewing your barefoot shoes and you will finish them. I will be available to you from the 5th of May until the 8th of June, 2025. 
  • You'll tailor it to your time - unlike full weekend live courses, online courses are divided into shorter lessons, so you can make it even with small children or if you have a lot of work. It's up to you whether you sew all day Saturday or just for an hour a day after work or when the kids are asleep. You have 2 years of access to all the videos in the members´ section and to the Facebook group. After 2 years you will be able to prolong your access.
  • Suitable for beginners - you can do it even if you are not a shoemaker. The videos are simple enough for anyone to understand. You can make ballerinas on an ordinary home sewing machine. We will advise you on the choice of lasts and, of course, show you where to get the materials you need to make them. However, many of the tools can be found at home or in the garage.
  • With my personal support - if you want extra support in the process, you can purchase additional 1-hour consultation with the course author Klara Nemcekova for € 40 instead of € 60. You can connect with Klara via Messenger, Whatsapp, email or Zoom. 

I am offering you the complete lasted Ballerina-sewing course with last loading course worth 80€

for an advantageous price


 180 €

It´s possible to pay in the following currencies: USD, GBP, EUR. The price of the course is 180 €, $ 196, or £ 150. This price is the price of the Premium course option with my support in the Facebook group. You can learn about other options below.

Sounds tempting, but are you still worried about whether you can do it?

I understand you. So far every participant has managed, even mums with a young child. Many of them were absolute beginners.

Don't believe it? All these ballerinas were made by participants of the same course in Czech.

With the right instructions and my support, you can make it, too.

And that´s not all...

I have 3 more unique bonus lessons worth 80 € for you:

Choose the right lasts

There are a tol of lasts available on the market. We will focus on a line of ballerina lasts that will keep the ballerina herself from falling off the feet.

We will find the right last for you, advise you where to buy or order it.


Adjusting the lasts

I will show you how to adjust the last according to the outline and measurements of your feet.

Sometimes the last is the right length but narrow at the toe, so it is a good idea to load and adjust the last to fit your feet perfectly.

Shoemaking glossary

What is the difference between reinforcements?

What does shoe reinforcement even mean and why should one be dyed and the other just heated?

I will answer many more questions in the PDF guide.

What will you get by purchasing the course?

  • Step-by-step instructions how to make lasted ballerinas in the welt.
  • 2-years access to the tutorials in the member section.
  • 5 - weeks of intensive support in Facebook group from our team.
  • Bonus lessons on last selection and loading based on foot measurements.
  • PDF guide in shoemaking expressions.
  • The ability to make shoes for you and your loved ones whenever you want.
  • You'll never have to choose between style and comfort for your feet again.
  • Great feeling that you've created something beautiful and useful with your own hands.
  • New hobby and a community of like-minded people.


Who will guide you through the course?

Meet Klara from DIY barefoot shoes.

My name is Klara Nemcekova.

I am sewing lecturer and custom barefoot shoe designer.I'm also mother of 3 kids.

Since 2016 I have been sewing barefoot shoes without lasts and since 2020 I have switched to lasts.

In 2024 I successfully completed the retraining course "Shoemaker for custom production".



Are you wondering if barefoot footwear is the right choice for you?

Why barefoot shoes?

Barefoot shoes are shoes that feel like walking barefoot. They are very flexible and adapt to your feet as you walk.

Barefoot footwear :

  • anatomical toe shape with sufficient space for fingers
  • thin sole, which keeps you in contact with the surface you are walking on
  • no arch support to keep your foot muscles properly engaged when you walk
  • soft and flexible shoes that allow your feet to move naturally when you walk
  • the advantage of hand sewn barefoot shoes is that they are made exactly for your feet

Classic footwear:

  • inappropriate toe shape, which pushes the thumb against fingers and can lead to deformities
  • Thick soles that you can't feel anything through and you are therefore less dexterous in terrain
  • a reinforced arch that causes your foot muscles to work incorrectly and can cause your arch to fall off
  • often hard, unyielding upper material in which your feet cannot move freely
  • sizes correspond to average feet, they do not count with the variability in the shape of the feet

                    Testimonials from the shoe-sewing courses

I have tried Kraft lasts and I am satisfied! The test ballerinas turned out great, I'm going straight for lace-up shoes on the same last. I'm excited about the course, I tried lasting work for the first time. The sizing was pretty spot on. I will have more beautiful self-sewn shoes thanks to you.
Blanka V.
I hope they won't be the last. The girls from DIY Barefoot Shoes thank you for guiding me through the course, it was fun.
Oľga R.

What level of support would you like to get?


I want group support.

The Premium option includes:

  • all the video lessons available in the member section,
  • bonus lessons on the lasts choice and adjustment, shoemaking glossary, 
  • my 5-week support in a special Facebook group.



The Premium option doesn´t include:

  • my time on Zoom, Messenger, or email.

VIP - just 10 spots

I want personalized support. 

The VIP option includes:

  • all the video lessons available in the member section,
  • bonus lessons on the lasts choice and adjustment, shoemaking glossary,
  • my 5-week support in a special Facebook group,
  • real-time online lesson on choosen topic (2 x 2 hours),
  • 1 questions and answers video call (1 hour),
  • 30-minute Zoom, Messenger, WhatsApp or e-mail consult whenever you need.

Just 10 spots are available.

Choose the right course option for you

268 €
I will make the chosen part of proces with you on the real time video meeting. I will answer your questions and give you feedback ,,live". You can consult with me on Messenger, e-mail or Zoom whenever you need. You will also get an invitaton to a private Facebook group with my and group support.
You can pay also in following currencies: USD, GBP.

                        Where do you get all you need? 

Shoe-sewing kits

for one pair of shoes and tool kits are available for you on our eshop.

You will need a few other thing from home or garagelike pliers, hammer, ruler and sewing mashine. You can download the list of everything you need below. 

The price of the complete material package is from 38,50€, the price of the tool kit is 15 € (without postage - that depends on the country you are from). One pair of last costs 62 €. 

We send kits from the Czech Republic). I will send you the link to order all you need to your email.



List of materials and tools to download             

By clicking on the list you will open it with the possibility of downloading it.          

Frequently asked questions

How long will it take me to sew my shoes?

This is very individual, but on average I estimate 10 hours for sandals, 16 hours for ballerinas and 24 hours for lace-up shoes with lining. All meant for shoes sewn without lasts.

Are barefoot shoes suitable for me even if I have health problems with my feet?

It depends on whether your feet hurt when you walk barefoot. If so, it is possible to use a thicker rubber sheet for soles to start with and a midsole layer to soften the step. If this is not enough, an orthotic insole designed by a podiatrist can be inserted into the shoe. Either way, ample toe room and flexible footwear helps improve most foot health problems.

What material are the shoes made of?

In my online courses, I teach sewing leather shoes, specifically from cowhide, about 2 mm thick. This material is the most suitable for sewing this type of shoes.

How can I order the material and tool kit?

You can order them on our eshop. You will get the right link into your email right after purchasing the course.

Will I get any support with my online course?

The course includes 2-year access to video lessons in the members' section, including bonus lessons. You can order an extra consultation with me for a discounted price of 40 €. My support package includes 60 minutes of online consultation via Messenger, WhatsApp email or online call. You can use it all at once or in instalments over a period of 2 years from the purchase of the course.

The course with my support is available until:

Do you want to ask me something?

Write me an e-mail at

I will be happy to help you.